The ImPACT Network is composed of a large Working Group and subgroups, which focus on specific topic areas. These include:
i. Advocacy
ii. Chronic Pain
iii. Communication
iv. Education
v. Measurement and Evaluation
Each subgroup will have a Chair that reports to the Working Group. Subgroups will consist of members of the Working Group and other Network members. The Working Group and subgroups meet monthly or bimonthly online.
The Mandate and Responsibilities of the groups are to:
- Develop and implement strategies to encourage advocacy or communication about the primary care team pharmacist role.
- Develop and deliver education and networking opportunities for Ontario primary care team pharmacists.
- Develop and implement strategies for communication among the Ontario primary care team pharmacists group.
- Initiate or support efforts to generate evidence about the work done by Ontario primary care team pharmacists including data about the role, quality, outcomes and value.
- Seek input from primary care team pharmacists within each LHIN region of Ontario
- Represent the Ontario primary care team pharmacists within other stakeholder organizations